Getting Started

Let’s start your mimium experiences


Currently, mimium can be used on the following environments.

  • macOS (x86)
  • Linux(tested on Ubuntu, uses ALSA as backend)
  • Windows 10

Getting started with an extension for Visual Studio Code

The easiest way to get started is to use Visual Studio Code, a free text editor/IDE.

  1. download and install Visual Studio Code from the official website.
  2. Start Visual Studio Code, and open the Extensions menu (Cmd+Shift+X).
  3. search for “mimium” in the search field and install it.
  4. Create a file with the name of `hello.mmm’, copy the following code snippet, save it, and open it again in Visual Studio Code.
  5. A pop-up window will appear asking you to install the latest version of the mimium binary.
  6. Cmd+Shift+P to open the command palette, search for “mimium”, and execute the command “Run currently opening file” to run the file currently open in the editor from the terminal.
  7. If you want to stop the sound, press Ctrl+C in the terminal.
// hello.mmm
fn dsp(){
  output = sin(now*440*2*3.141595/48000)
  return (output,output)

Other ways to install

You can download latest binaries from GitHub Release. Copy bin/mimium to appropariate path (for example, /usr/loca/bin on macOS/Linux).

On macOS/Linux, you can easily install mimium by using Homebrew/Linuxbrew1.

brew install mimium-org/mimium/mimium

for more detailed information such as building from source, check Installation page.

Run the command

You can run mimium by running mimium command. If the binary is correctly installed, you can see the help menu with the following command.

mimium --help

Make text file with the name of hello.mmm on current working directory and paste the code snippet above.

Then, type the following command to run the file. (Take care the volume of speakers.) You will hear the sine wave sound of 440Hz.

mimium hello.mmm


You can read further explanation such as a grammer of the language and available functions on Making Sound page.

  1. Currently, we can not provide a binary package for macOS 11.0 thus it tries to build from the source. Installing Xcode and some additional software are required. ↩︎


The entry point for the beginners of mimium - step by step example.

Making Sound

Here you will learn how to make the basic sound using the mimium.


Install mimium to your computer