Design Concept

Design Concept of mimium #

This section explains the theoretical background of mimium as a programming language.

mimium is based on a computation system called λmmm (lambda-triple-m), which extends the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus (STLC).

There are various evaluation strategies in lambda calculus. Among them, λmmm is based on call by value, the simplest evaluation strategy. Intuitively, call-by-value evaluation means that all arguments are copied when a function is called, creating new values.

Additionally, the mimium compiler performs signal processing by defining its own VM (virtual machine) and instruction set to execute λmmm at practical speeds. While this approach performs worse than Faust and many other prior music programming environments in terms of execution speed1, it covers most practical real-time use cases. Furthermore, since almost no optimizations have been applied yet, there is significant potential for improvement in the future. (JIT compilation via WebAssembly is planned.)

λmmm #

Currently being written.

For a detailed theoretical explanation, refer to the following paper by the designer, Tomoya Matsuura:

Lambda-mmm: An Intermediate Representation Based on Lambda Calculus for Synchronous Signal Processing Languages (Available Online)

  1. In mimium v0.x, JIT compilation using the LLVM compiler infrastructure was employed. However, with the v2 design, the decision was made to prioritize a detailed theoretical foundation, leading to the adoption of execution via a custom bytecode interpreter. ↩︎

(c) mimium development community(2025)